VASER Lipo stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance Liposuction. But what does it mean actually?
VASER uses a precise, minimally invasive liposuction technology that produces eye-catching results in just one procedure without the discomfort and long recovery times of typical liposuction treatments. The procedure is tissue-selective, targeting fat while protecting other tissues from damage.
It’s powerful enough to eliminate substantial areas of fat but gentle enough to treat delicate areas such as the neck and arms. VASER Lipo is clinically proven to produce even results in treated areas, leaving your skin smooth and your body beautiful.
What is the difference between the breakage of fat between tradition and VASER Lipo?
VASERlipo® can produce impressive results by treating areas of fat with ultrasound energy, then gently removing the fat through a small tube inserted under the skin. This minimally invasive process is designed to be gentle on the body and highly effective, giving patients the smooth contours they want with less tissue injury than traditional liposuction procedures.
Key benefits of VASER Liposuction
- Single procedure results with speedy recovery times
- Improved body contouring over traditional liposuction
- Easily removes large amounts of stored fat
- Smoothes skin even in delicate areas like the arms and neck
- Refines and accentuates appearance of muscles
What are the different types of VASER?
VASER Liposuction
Vaser liposuction, with the help of its ultrasonic energy, allows body fat to be more gently removed thus providing smoother results with lesser downtime.
VASER High-definition Liposuction
VASER Hi-Definition liposuction is an advanced body sculpting technique that creates an athletic, sculpted appearance. It works through the removal of both superficial and deep fat that surrounds muscle groups to enhance the visibility of underlying toning and musculature. This treatment caters more for those who are not over weight with minimal visceral fat.