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Causes of gynecomastia and contributing factors

Gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance in hormonal levels, mainly the balance between testosterone and estrogen. The causes of this imbalance can be broken down into three categories: physiological, pathological, and drug-induced. Listen to the podcast to find out if gynecomastia can resolve itself.

Physiological causes, such as obesity, ageing, adolescence and growth spurts, as well as pathological reasons like medical conditions, for example, tumours, kidney failure, liver disorders and malnutrition disorders, can lead to the development of gynecomastia. 

The use of anabolic steroids, drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain natural herbs and oils can also influence male breast enlargement.  

Now, if the hormonal imbalance is treated or resolved, such as by stopping the intake of certain supplements or anabolic steroids or by losing weight, is it possible that the gynecomastia condition may improve or resolve? Listen to the podcast for the answer.

More on Causes Of Gynecomastia And Contributing Factors: