The podcast addresses frequently-asked questions about gynecomastia, a medical condition that causes enlarged breast tissue in individuals assigned male at birth, as requested by Amaris B. Clinic’s followers on Instagram.
“Preventing gynecomastia is challenging because it is primarily caused by hormonal imbalances in individuals with physiological gynecomastia. This condition, characterised by the enlargement of breast tissue in males, is often linked to hormonal changes during puberty, ageing, or as a side effect of certain medications or medical conditions. As such, it is not easily preventable through specific measures, and treatment options may vary depending on the underlying cause,” shares Dr Ivan Puah, a MOH-accredited liposuction doctor who has more than 20 years of gynecomastia surgery experience in Singapore.
Here are other frequently asked questions from our followers on our Instagram that Dr Puah addressed.
Some of the FAQs include:
- Are there any natural remedies for gynecomastia?
- Can ageing cause gynecomastia in men?
- Can beer give you male boobs? Can food containing soy beans cause gynecomastia?
- Can diet and exercise get rid of gynecomastia?
- Can doing more chest exercise reduce the swollen man boobs?
- Can gynecomastia be prevented?
- Can gynecomastia be treated with liposuction alone? can gynecomastia surgery get rid of man boobs?
- Can gynecomastia go away on its own?
- I suspect that my teenage son is suffering from gynecomastia. How do I help him?
- Can gynecomastia surgery be performed at the same time with another procedure?
- Is gynecomastia surgery a complicated procedure? How long does the surgery take?
- Can gynecomastia surgery only be performed by plastic surgeons?
- Is recurrence of gynecomastia common after gynecomastia surgery? can only overweight men get male boobs?
- Is gynecomastia an early sign of breast cancer?
- a sign of andropause (male menopause)?
- How much does a gynecomastia surgery cost in singapore? Is gynecomastia surgery medisave/insurance claimable?
- What should I expect after my procedure?
Listen to the podcast for the answers.