Most of my male patients have a combination of gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. Can fat freeze cure your enlarged male breasts?
Common Gynecomastia Myths Debunked
Many assume that all overweight men have gynecomastia due to the fat accumulation on the chest. Gynecomastia myths debunked!
How Much Does A Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In Singapore?
In Singapore, the gynecomastia surgery cost is between S$6,000 and S$15,000 – depending on the condition of the affected patients.
[Press Release] Little-known Permanent Side Effects of Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing Treatments)
Fat freezing’s popularity as a fat reduction treatment is ever increasing with many people having experienced its success. Yet, some suffer from its little-known side effect known as “Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia”.
Low Testosterone & Enlarged Male Breasts
The answer to the common question of “Can gynecomastia cause low testosterone?” is that gynecomastia does not cause low testosterone, but conversely, low testosterone may possibly increase the risk of developing gynecomastia in males.
Liposuction Benefits & Risks
The best treatment option for local fat reduction is with liposuction. It is what we call the ‘gold standard’. None of the others can be comparable to liposuction.